Friday, 11 March 2016

Friends that only "use you"... who needs them??

Image result for friends image
The Persian Poet Wrote  

"Friend is a word of royal tone;
Friend is a poem all alone".

I am curious as to why some people who claim to be your friend, always seek to take-advantage of you.. (Which is great and that's what friends are for), however, they are never there to return the favour.. or in some instances secretly begrudge your success.

I have such a friend (although I have culled a lot of the close friends who I went into business with and have fallen apart due to their dishonesty - save that blog for another day) with whom we share a lot of good things and fun times but not all of my secrets with. 

What I have noticed is that if he wants to do something, he will pester me till it’s done, if he wants to go out then he will and take you with him.. However he can do last minute let downs. I like to plan my time, if I say I will be there then I will.. So it comes as a great disappointment when he lets you down, as you have cleared your schedule for an evening out or something. This is a regular occurrence. If I want to go out he will agree, again on the day he can let you down. I feel as though I am an option for him, as if he finds something better then he will do that. Perhaps he is not a true friend

Secondly, we all have vices and one of my vices I share with him. When I want to partake in this activity he is “as above” quite flaky (he got me into this), if he says let’s do it, I always oblige. However recently he was too busy to partake in this activity, so I said "oh I don't really want to do that anymore and haven't done it for weeks, perhaps it’s time to avoid this”)

It took all about ten minutes, he was on whatsapp persuading me to partake...When he doesn't want to do it, he won’t, but soon as I said I don't want to do it. He got back in the saddle persuaded me that we should do it together. I feel that he was jealous that I was looking to better myself and he did not like it.  

What do you do with such friends..?