Friday, 24 October 2014

Why British Bengali's take no interest in Bangladeshi Culture

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It always baffles me as to why a lot of second and third generations of British Bengali's take no interest in Bangladesh or its culture? I'd love to hear from anyone that can offer some insight.

It was the same for me (things are changing). I found young BB's (British Bengali) snub everything about Bangladesh. They tend not to talk about its rich culture and or its history. Oblivious to the fact that it is such a great country.

Again this may not be the story across the UK. Young BB's tend not to listen to Bengali music, read in Bengali or even catch up with the latest current affairs of Bangladesh.

I used to be involved with a Bengali Community organisation and in the latter years, the younger generations took no interest in volunteering with the group.

I would love to hear what people have to say on this.


1 comment:

  1. Having conducted passing verbal research on this (no means academic in By any stretch of the imagination) I asked a several young people why they are not interested in Bangladesh- firstly I asked a sister, (a graduate- born in the UK)
    Her reply was (I am not making this up and it's not my opinion)
    Well there's nothing to be proud of being Bengali, all you hear is fighting and corruption and strike action. the Bengali actresses are on the plus size..the dramas on TV are cringe-worthy. All the Bengali guys who come here are involved in Deshi politics in UK and all they want to do is send money back home.

    Last night I was speaking to 20 year client of mine (a young entrepreneur) Again born in the UK
    I asked him the same question.
    His response was
    When you go to Bangladesh everyone wants or only likes you for money. (They think you have a money tree)
    And everyone is corrupt, he said his brother in law Has some land and was struggling to do the "nam Zari" of the land and he struggling for the last three years to do this. He went back home recently and had to bribe 3 officials to speed this up. It was basically a few stamps and signatures. He said the official showed him a pile of files that are outstanding for up to last six years (implying that those people are not paying the bribe)
    So his brother in law spent 3 lakh in bribes and of that two lakh went to the last and most senior official. (He made two lakhs in minutes)
    So he said I just feel I cannot trust my fellow Bengalis in Bangladesh. And hence why I don't take an interest.
