Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Time for choosing a school..

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Well it’s been a while, so much to say, but sometimes I think best kept quiet. Firstly the summer is over (I am sure you have all noticed). It has been a tumultuous summer, so many decisions. My little boy started reception. Unfortunately we missed out on the better school.  We almost rented a house within catchment just to get him on the waiting list for the better school. It seemed crazy to move to a rented house, a smaller more expensive house in a posh part of town – but mans house is his castle.

Perhaps it was fate that the letting agent made a mistake and we backed off from the move a week before the contract. The landlord was to demanding and unwilling to make changes.  I couldn’t give up a bigger better house that I OWN (which we’d only moved in four years ago).  I had only moved to our current house so that my younger sister could retain her independence as it was close to town, train station, bus station and so on) and that my mum would be happy staying walking distance from her grandchildren (walking distance for the grandchildren- mum doesn’t walk anywhere). However my sister got married last year and moved, so the location is no longer a factor.

I have moved about ten times in the last 30 years that I feel transient and NOT at all settled. Priorities change with every change, every child, and every decision. I’m still seeking that ideal, - nowhere to be found.
About my little boys schooling, well these are things we thought about, but circumstances meant we couldn’t do much about it. Now we are in a position, it’s hard to move house, so we have given ourselves three years to make things better. What I have discovered is that a move requires careful planning and consideration.

I have a friend that moved countries to give his children a better education, I couldn’t move house.  I wonder what sacrifices do parents make, what goes through their mind when a child is about to embark on a life long journey of learning?

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